Last time, Joe came up to London, and stopped to see Pip. He was accompanying Mr. Wopsle, who -- leaving his church clerkship in favor of play-acting -- was about to debut at a London theatre. Joe also brought Pip news from Miss Havisham that Estella was home again, and would be glad to see him.
Pip, at the prospect of seeing Estella, immediately booked a place on the coach. Boarding with two convicts bound for the Hulks, he happened to overhear a conversation about himself: One of the convicts related to the other that a man he had met in prison had asked him, the last time he was released, to convey two one-pound notes to a child. Pip was relieved not to be recognized as the child who had received those notes, and got down at the Blue Boar (where he was staying in preference to the forge). Repairing to Miss Havisham's, he found Orlick tending the gate, and Estella changed into a beautiful -- but cold -- woman. Miss Havisham, aware of Estella's effect on Pip, demanded that Pip love Estella, and give up everything for love -- as she had.