…not far from the National Palace,
once (and twice) the Tuileries…
The Palais des Tuileries was renamed the “National Palace”
(or “Palais National”) during the Revolution. It
had remained the Palais des Tuileries as long as it was still
a royal residence, but it was no longer so after Louis XVI and
his family were removed (on August 13, 1792) and incarcerated
in the Temple, pending execution. Carlyle discusses the “void
Palace of the Tuileries, now void and National” (511)
in The French Revolution, and notes that the National
Convention began to use the palace as a meeting-place in May
of 1793: “[W]e shift, on the Tenth of May, from
the old Salle de Manége into our new Hall, in the Palace,
once a King’s but now the Republic’s, of the Tuileries”
(Carlyle 632). After the Revolution, the palace was again named
the Palais des Tuileries when it became the residence of Emperor
Napoleon (Sanders 150).
The following portions of the Plan de la Ville de Paris
en 1789 and the Plan de la Ville de Paris, Période
Révolutionnaire, 1790-1794 show the changing name
of the Palais.
Click on
map for larger view
on map for larger view
…attended by her cavalier.
A cavalier was originally a horseman, a horse-soldier, or a knight;
more generally, a cavalier is a gallant (Oxford English Dictionary).
The description of Mr. Cruncher as Miss Pross’ “cavalier” suggests,
appropriately, that he is her faithful protector; it also suggests,
somewhat ironically, that he is a gallant one.
…the popular, high-shouldered shaggy black spencer…
Dickens draws his description of the “popular, high-shouldered, shaggy
black spencer” from Carlyle’s description of a popular revolutionary
outfit during the Terror:
The suspect may well tremble; but
how much more the open rebels; the Girondin Cities of the South!
Revolutionary Army is gone forth …; six thousand strong, “in red
night-cap, in tricolor waistcoat, in black-shag trousers, black-shag
spencer, with enormous moustachios, enormous sabre, – in carmagnole
complète…. (685)
According to Fairholt’s History of
Costume (1860), a spencer is “A short jacket, or body-coat, said
to have originated in an accident to Lord Spencer in hunting ([in the
time of] George III) by which his coat-tails were torn off” (585-6).
What was said … would have been as so much Hebrew
or Chaldean to Miss Pross and her protector, though they had been all
Both Hebrew and Chaldean are appropriate to the venue – the “Good
Republican Brutus of Antiquity” – to the extent that they are
“antique.” Most of the Old Testament was composed in Hebrew, and,
according to the OED, references to Hebrew in the New
Testament are usually to “the vernacular language of the Hebrews of the
time” – Aramaic or Syriac, both of which are alternate names for
Chaldean. Proverbially, Hebrew and Chaldean suggest “unintelligible
speech” (OED), like the modern expression “It’s all Greek to
me”; and such, indeed, seems to be Miss Pross and Mr. Cruncher’s
experience of French.
…Miss Pross, exploring the depths of her reticule…
A reticule is a small bag, “usually made of some woven material, for
carrying on the arm or in the hand, used by ladies as a pocket or
workbag” (OED) – an especially practical kind of purse.
“I wish for your sake Mr. Barsad was not a Sheep of
the Prisons.” Sheep was the cant word of the time for a spy, under the
The term “Sheep of the Prisons” is apparently adapted
from “mouton,” which means “sheep”
in French and is sometimes used in English to refer to “a
spy quartered in a prison with an accused person with the aim
of obtaining incriminating evidence” (OED).
Dickens’ “sheep,” as an Anglicized version
of the “cant word for spy,” may have been inspired
by Honoré Riouffe’s description, in Mémoires
sur les prisons (an account of the French prisons during
the Revolution), of being locked up with a man who was “comme mouton, c’est à dire espion”
(“as a sheep, that is to say a spy”) (Sanders 151).
However, Dickens may well have been familiar with the use of
the word mouton in English, and certainly would have
noted Carlyle’s use of it in The French Revolution
(e.g., “…turnkeys and moutons
fallen from their high estate [after the end of the Terror],
look mute and blue” [743]; or, “Turned are the tables:
Prisoners pouring out in floods; Jailors, Moutons … going now whither they were
wont to send!” [747]).
There were apparently between 300 and
1,000 moutons in the Paris
prisons during the phase of the Revolution represented in this portion
of A Tale of Two Cities. Most of them were incarcerated
themselves, and turned spy – informing on alleged plots – in hopes of
gaining their own freedom (Maxwell 475).
Inference clear as day in this region of suspicion,
that Mr. Barsad, still in the pay of the aristocratic English
government, is the spy of Pitt, the treacherous foe of the Republic
crouching in its bosom, the English traitor and agent of all mischief
so much spoken of and so difficult to find.
Pitt, or William Pitt the Younger, was Prime Minister of England
during the French Revolution – in office 1784-1801 and again 1804-1806
(Arnstein 9). Since England had declared war on France after the
execution of Louis XVI in January 1793 (Carlyle 600), “Pitt” (standing
for English government and politics at large) was in active opposition
to France at this period, and a confirmed enemy of the Republic. Mr.
Barsad’s position within the French prisons could thus quite easily be
construed as that of “the treacherous foe of the Republic crouching in
its bosom.” Dickens’ metonymic use of “Pitt” – as a figure
for the whole English government or English nation – may derive from
Carlyle, who uses the same figure of speech in The French Revolution (e.g., “That
Pitt has a hand in it, the gold of Pitt: so much, to all reasonable
Patriot men, may seem clear. But then, through what agents of Pitt?”
…and that in spite of his utmost tergiversation and
treachery in furtherance of the reigning terror, a word might bring it
down upon him.
“Tergiversation” is reneging – forsaking a former position of
allegiance (OED). Barsad, as a turncoat of many descriptions,
is a tergiversator. The “reigning terror” he furthers is of course the
famous Reign of Terror, which commenced in 1793 and lasted until the
execution of Robespierre (head of the terrible Committee of Public
Safety) ended it on July 28, 1794 (Carlyle 744). Carlyle
describes the onset of the Terror thus: “Terror has long been
terrible: but to the actors themselves it has now become manifest that
their appointed course is one of Terror; and they say, Be it so. ‘Que
la Terreur soit à l’ordre du jour’ [that Terror be the
order of the day]” (675).
He had since seen her, in the Section of Saint
Antoine, over and over again produce her knitted registers…
In 1790, Paris, previously organized into sixty municipal districts,
was reorganized into 48 Sections, one of which was the Section of Saint
Antoine. Carlyle, in The French Revolution, describes the
Sections of Paris as “the life-circulation of Jacobinism” (665) –
bodies of revolutionary patriots ready to fight for “Liberty,
Equality, Fraternity, or Death,” and to do the administrative work of
the Terror. In 1793, the Sections met twice a week, and were a forum
for the denunciation of “suspects” (665). It is thus that Madame
Defarge “produce[s] her knitted registers” in Section, to “denounce
people whose lives the guillotine then surely swallow[s] up.”
“…I’d catch hold of your throat and choke you for
half a guinea.”
Mr. Cruncher’s “liberal offer” of choking for half a guinea is – since
a guinea is worth slightly more than an English pound, at 21 shillings
– an offer to do so for 10 shillings and 6 pence.
There might be medical doctors at the present hour,
a picking up their guineas where a honest tradesman don’t pick up his
fardens – fardens! no, nor yet his half fardens – half fardens! no, nor
yet his quarter.
A “farden” – Jerry’s pronunciation of “farthing” – is a coin worth a
quarter of a penny, and proverbial for a very small amount (OED).
Jerry divides this very small amount even further, however, asserting
that for a medical doctor’s guinea, an “honest tradesman” would not
receive even half a farthing (an eighth of a penny), “nor yet his
quarter” of a farthing (which would amount to a sixteenth of a penny).
A guinea, worth slightly more than a pound, is composed of 21 shillings
– 252 pence, or 1,008 farthings. In Jerry’s most conservative
estimation, a
doctor makes over a thousand times more than an “honest tradesman” out
of a cadaver’s resurrection. The farthing was legal tender until
1961 (OED).
Then, wot with undertakers, and wot with parish
clerks, and wot with sextons, and wot with private watchmen (all
awaricious and all in it)…
Undertakers manage funeral arrangements; a parish clerk is usually a
“lay officer of a parish church, who has charge of the church and
precincts, and assists the clergyman in various parts of his duties”;
and a sexton – whose job is sometimes part of a parish clerk’s – is a
person connected with the church who is in charge of ringing the bells
and digging the graves (OED). These individuals, together with
“private watchmen,” are deemed “awaricious” (avaricious) by Mr.
Cruncher to the extent that they impede the commerce of “resurrection
men” like himself.
He wore the white riding-coat and top-boots, then
in vogue, and the light of the fire touching their light surface made
him look very pale, with his long brown hair, all untrimmed, hanging
loose about him.
In the illustration below, from Fairholt’s History of Costume
(1860), the figure on the left is dressed like Carton, in, as Fairholt
expresses it, the “true Parisian taste” of 1793, with riding-coat and
However, Fairholt notes that top-boots were “the delight of the ‘bucks
and bloods’ of the latter half of the eighteenth century,” and
describes how “[a] pride was felt in its bright polished leg and its
snowy top” (395-6). Although Carton is dressed stylishly, he is not
dressed with the dandyish care that top-boots might imply. Sanders, in
his Companion to A Tale of Two Cities, notes that his
slovenliness may have helped him blend in in revolutionary Paris, where
“anti-aristocratic modes” such as natural hair (in place of wigs,
powder, and even ties or ribbons) were popular (152).
You mean the Guillotine…. Sixty-three today. We shall mount to a
hundred soon. Samson and his men complain sometimes, of being
exhausted. He is so droll, that Samson. Such a Barber!
Samson, the executioner in charge of the guillotine (the apparatus
elsewhere referred to as the “National razor” of the French Republic)
is a barber in at once a pejorative sense, an allusive sense (connected
with the story of the biblical Samson), and through an etymological
connection between those who cut hair and those who cut flesh:
Barbers, though always hairdressers, originally also included surgeons
and dentists. The “Company of Barber-surgeons” was incorporated in
England by Edward IV in 1461; under Henry VIII the name was altered to
the “Company of Barbers and Surgeons,” whereupon barbers were limited
to dentistry; and in 1745, barbers and surgeons were divided into
distinct corporations (OED).
Dickens probably draws his account of the exhaustion of Samson and his
men from Carlyle’s account of the speedy execution of Girondin
supporters, provincial and Parisian alike (the Girondin party was the
moderate revolutionary party defeated by the rival Jacobin faction for
control of the French Republic): “Little children are guillotined, and
aged men. Swift as the machine is, it will not serve; the Headsman and
all his valets sink worn down with work, declare that human muscles can
do no more” (685). The head-count of the executed did indeed increase
over the course of the Terror – “The Guillotine,” writes Carlyle, “gets
always a quicker motion, as other things are quickening. The
Guillotine, by its speed of going, will give the index of the general
velocity of the Republic” (667). Elsewhere, he notes, “Swift and ever
swifter goes Samson; up, finally, to three score [sixty] and more
at a Batch” (724). On June 10, 1794, at the height of the Terror, the
Revolutionary Tribunal was extended into four tribunals, in the hopes
of “overtak[ing] the work” of execution. A “Guillotine ... of improved
velocity” was developed to accommodate the larger batches of victims
anticipated (Carlyle 730).
Go and see him when he has a good batch.
Victims of the guillotine were tried and executed in “fournées”
– “batches.” Such was the actual terminology of the Revolutionary
Tribunal’s Prosecutor, Fouquier-Tinville: “Fouquier chooses,” writes
Carlyle in The French Revolution, “from the Twelve Houses of
Arrest what he calls Batches, ‘Fournées,’ a score or
more at a time” (724).
…much dirtier than usual, for the best public
thoroughfares remained uncleansed in those times of terror…
During the Terror, according to Carlyle,
streets lie unswept; the ways unmended. Law has shut her Books…. Crimes
go unpunished; not crimes against the Revolution. “The number of
foundling children,” as some compute, “is doubled.” (711)
“You will be careful to keep
them separate, citizen? You know the consequences of mixing them?”
Carton is apparently buying chemicals which, when combined, produce
ether – an anesthetic used surgically only beginning in the 19th
century, but familiar in the 18th. The Dictionary of Daily Wants
(1859) makes the following remarks about the uses and properties of
a volatile liquor, obtained by distillation from a mixture of alcohol
and a concentrated acid. It is used for a variety of medical purposes,
both externally and internally. Burns and scalds are rendered cool and
less inflammatory, by a piece of linen rag dipped in aether being
applied to them. It relieves headaches when rubbed upon the part where
the pain is situated. Its application to the face in cases of toothache
considerably alleviates the pain; and in an attack of spasms, relief is
almost always afforded by doses of from fifteen to twenty drops being
administered in a wineglassful of water at short intervals. As an
agent for producing insensibility by means of inhalation, aether was
formerly in great repute; but in the present day when this effect is
desired to be produced, chloroform, a still subtler spirit, is
generally used. As aether rapidly evaporates under ordinary
circumstances, this waste should be prevented by keeping the bottle
that contains it in a cool place, and by having stoppers which fit the
bottle exactly.
Caution. – Aether is a highly inflammable
spirit, and when mixed with common air is liable to cause an explosion;
when any escape of aether is apprehended, therefore, no lighted candle
should be suffered to approach. (13)
...in the distant
burial-places, reserved, as they wrote upon the gates, for Eternal
The secularization of France under the Republic extended even to the
cemeteries. There, by decree, references to heaven gave way to
references to “Eternal Sleep.” Carlyle remarks that
Indivisibility, Brotherhood, or Death, did indeed stand printed on
all Houses of the Living; also, on Cemeteries, or Houses of the Dead,
stood printed, by order..., Here is Eternal Sleep. (676)
But the theatres were all well
filled, and the people poured cheerfully out as he passed, and went
chatting home.
Carlyle, in The French Revolution, remarks that
shall the Reader fancy that it was all black, this Reign of Terror: far
from it. How many hammermen and squaremen, bakers and brewers, washers
and wringers, over this France, must ply their old daily work, let the
Government be one of Terror or one of Joy! In this Paris there are
Twenty-three Theatres nightly; some count as many as Sixty Places of
Dancing. (678-9)
This statistic concerning the number of
open theatres seems to have impressed Carlyle as much as it seems to
have impressed Dickens, for he reverts to the same matter again
somewhat later in his history, reiterating that “nightly Theatres are
Twenty-three; and the Salons de danse are Sixty; full of mere
Egalité, Fraternité and Carmagnole”
The night wore out, and, as he stood upon the bridge listening to the
water as it splashed the river-walls of the Island of Paris, where the
picturesque confusion of houses and cathedral shone bright in the light
of the moon, the day came coldly, looking like a dead face out of the
Carton is probably standing, at this point, on the Pont Neuf, though
this is only one of several bridges which connect the Ile de la
Cité (an island in the Seine) to the banks of the river. The
earliest Parisian settlements were located on the Ile de la
Cité, on which Notre Dame (the cathedral shining in the
moonlight) is located. In the 18th century, the island was crowded with
narrow streets and buildings, many of which had existed since the
medieval period. These were cleared in the mid-19th century under
the direction of Baron von Haussmann, who lay out and executed new
for Paris when he was appointed Préfet de la Seine in
1853 (Baillie and Salmon 70-1). Thus, the Ile de la Cité of
Dickens’ time and our own is less cluttered with buildings (the open
plaza in front of Notre Dame, for instance, is the result of
demolitions). In the 18th century, as Tronchet’s Picture of Paris
(c.1818) points out, Notre Dame was “so surrounded with houses that
there [was] no spot from which it [might] be seen with advantage”
The places Carton visits in the course of
his walk are visible on this portion of the Plan de la Ville
de Paris, Période Révolutionnaire, 1790-1794.
The Saint Germain quarter, where he begins (at Mr. Lorry’s),
is at the lower left; La Force is in the upper right corner
(the dark outline of buildings labeled “Maison de la Force”);
the Ile de la Cité, where the cathedral stands, is in
the middle (the cathedral itself bears its revolutionary name,
the “Temple de la Raison”); and the Seine
– upon the bank of which Carton finally falls asleep –
runs through the city (and the map).
Bibliographical information