From 2002 to 2007, we at Stanford University have enjoyed a vicarious journey through the 19th century, courtesy of Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Stanford Library’s Special Collections. We began with three Dickens novels, Great Expectations in 2002-2003, A Tale of Two Cities in 2004, and Hard Times in 2005, and continued in 2006 and 2007 with selected Sherlock Holmes stories, including a complete novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles.
All are available to you by clicking Archived Novels. We offer our thanks to those who have traveled along with us, and, for those who haven’t, the complete text and notes of all the stories and novels will remain at this site, available for downloading and perusal at your leisure, free of charge.
For the next year or two we will be on hiatus, but don’t despair. We hope to return to Victorian times as soon as circumstances allow. Meanwhile, we hope that you will write and tell us what Discovering Dickens and Discovering Sherlock Holmes have meant to you, or offer suggestions for future programs.
Many thanks to our generous supporters:
Office of the President
Continuing Studies
Alumni Association
University Libraries
Community Day
Palo Alto
...and to many of our readers who have generously given to this project.