“Pray, Doctor Manette,” said
Mr. Darnay ... “have you seen much of the Tower?”
The Tower of London is one of the oldest and most famous of the city’s
buildings. Erected in the 11th century by William the Conqueror, it was
originally a strategically-placed fortress, standing on the Thames just
outside London, which it defended. The Tower was gradually enlarged
under subsequent kings, and became, especially from the 16th century
forward, famous as the prison and site of execution of high-profile
prisoners of the crown. Two unfruitful wives of Henry VIII were
beheaded there, as was Lady Jane Grey (who was queen of England for
nine days); Sir Thomas More and Cromwell were executed outside the
Tower walls, on Tower Hill; etc. (Woodley 104).
After the Restoration (of Charles II in 1660), the Tower was less
frequently used as a prison, and began to acquire its more modern
aspect – that of a museum devoted to its own past (Woodley 105).
Indeed, by the late 18th century, the Tower seems to have become
something of a tourist attraction: Histories of London from the period
describe the “extensive and noble prospect of the Thames” available
from the White Tower, the pleasantness of the “Ladies’ Walks” on the
walls of the fortress, and the six-pence admission price of the zoo
(Harrison 82-5). This zoo – the Royal Menagerie – gave its name to what
is still the “Lion’s Gate” on the west side of the Tower, and was moved
to the Zoological Gardens in Regent’s Park in 1834 (Baedeker 131).
Despite the increasingly “touristy” aspect of the Tower in the 18th
century, it is
possible that Darnay would have been detained there in 1780 (as he says
he was). The last prisoners to be held in the Tower were detained in
the early 19th century, and Francis Henry de la Motte (the French spy
whose trial was Dickens’ model for Darnay’s) was held in the Tower. De
la Motte’s detention there, however, seems to have been the result of
special circumstances. Newgate Prison, damaged in the Gordon Riots of
1780, and overcrowded with prisoners in what serviceable cells
remained, could not easily accommodate him. Thus, it was recommended
that he be incarcerated in the Tower (Annual Register … for 1781
A full account of the Tower as it appeared in the late 18th century is
excerpted here from Harrison’s New and Universal History,
Description, and Survey of … London (1776):
The Tower of London, which is
situated on the east of the city, originally consisted of no more than
what is now called the White Tower, which was erected by William the
Conqueror in the year 1076, with a view to secure to himself a safe
retreat, in case of any sudden surprise. [The White Tower is so called
because it was whitewashed, at Henry III’s direction, in 1240.]
After the death of William the Conqueror, his son William Rufus, in the
year 1098, surrounded it with walls, and a broad and deep ditch, which,
in some places, was an hundred and twenty feet wide.
That part where the lions and other wild beasts are now [in 1776] kept,
was built by king Henry the First for the reception of those animals,
which were presented to him by the emperor Frederick.
Considerable additions were made to it by succeeding kings. Edward II
built the church of St. Vincula within the Tower; and in the year 1465
the fortifications were greatly enlarged by king Edward IV. The White
Tower was rebuilt in 1638; and after the restoration of it was
thoroughly repaired, and a great number of additional buildings made to
In 1663 the ditch was cleansed, all the wharfing about it was rebuilt
of brick and stone, and sluices made for admitting and retaining the
Thames water as occasion might require.
At present, besides the White Tower, are the offices of ordnance, the
mint, the keepers of the records, the jewel office, the Spanish armory,
the new or small armory, barracks for the soldiers, and handsome houses
for the chief officers who reside there; so that the Tower of London
appears now more like a town than a fortress.
The situation of this building is certainly the most eligible that
could have been projected for the purposes intended, it lying about
eight hundred yards to the eastward of London-bridge; and consequently
near enough to protect this opulent city from invasion by water.
It stands on the north side of the river Thames, from which it is
separated by a convenient wharf and narrow ditch, over which is a
draw-bridge for the more easy receiving or sending out [of] ammunition
and naval or military stores. On this wharf is a long and beautiful
platform whereon stand sixty-one pieces of cannon mounted on very
handsome carriages, which are only fired on days of state, or to
demonstrate any joyful news to the publick.
Within the walls, on a line with this wharf, is a platform seventy
yards long, called the Ladies' Lane, because much frequented by the
ladies in the summer. It is shaded within by a row of lofty trees, and
without commands a most delightful prospect of the shipping on the
river. The ascent to this line is by stone steps; and being once upon
it, you may walk almost round the walls of the Tower without
interruption, in the course of which are three batteries….
The Tower-wharf is enclosed at each end by gates, which are opened
every morning for the convenience of a free intercourse between the
respective inhabitants of the Tower, the city and its suburbs.
Under this wharf is a water-gate through the Tower wall, commonly
called Traitor’s Gate, by which it has been customary, in former times,
to convey traitors and other state prisoners, to and from the Tower….
The White Tower is a large square irregular building, no one side
answering to another, nor are any of its watch-towers, of which there
are four at the top, built alike. It consists of three very lofty
stories, under which are spacious and commodious vaults. The top is
covered with flat leads, from whence there is an extensive and noble
prospect of the Thames, and the adjacent country…. Having pointed out
the principal buildings within the Tower, we shall proceed to the
description of those curiosities which are usually shewn to strangers.
And first,
Of the Lions and other wild Beasts.
Those who are inclined to see the rarities in the Tower of London,
generally take a view of the wild beasts, before any other curiosity,
as, by their situation, they first present themselves; for when you
have entered the outer gate, and passed what is called the spur-guard,
you will see the keeper’s house before you in the corner of the right
hand, directly opposite to the second gate, which you will easily know
by the figure of a lion being placed over the door. By ringing a bell,
which you will readily see, you will instantly gain admittance; and on
paying six-pence each person, will be shewn such a noble collection of
wild creatures as is well worthy the admiration of the curious. (82-5)
The existence of this menagerie is
perhaps the most obviously “touristy” element of the Tower in the late
18th century. In 1776, the wild beasts included “PEDORE, a beautiful
lioness brought from Senegal, and presented to his majesty by governor
O’Harra” and “CAESAR, brother of Pedore … supposed to be the finest
lion ever seen in England … [whose] mouth opens wide, and discovers a
frightful set of teeth; and when he roars, he may be heard at a great
distance” (Harrison 85). There was also Miss Zara, a lion from the
Barbary Coast; Phillis, a wolf from Boulogne; Sukey, a bear from North
America; Hector, a Moroccan lion who “greatly resemble[d] Caesar”;
Helena, “companion to Hector”; Miss Groggery, a leopardess from
Algiers; Sir Robert, a leopard from Senegal; Miss Nancy, a lioness from
Senegal; a “Lion-Monkey” from the Cape of Good Hope (“This beast is of
a black colour, with very shaggy hair”); an “American Black Bear”; a
“large brown eagle” from Norway; an “Eagle of the Sun” (a kind of eagle
said to fly higher than any other and “able to look steadfastly at the
sun, even in his most refulgent splendor”); a “Racoon” from Norway;
Rose, a Norway wolf; and Miss Sally, a leopardess from Morocco “brought
over in the same ship with Hector” (Harrison 86). These final
cautionary remarks are added:
Such was the state of the wild
beasts in the Tower of London, when the writer of this work took his
survey of that extensive fortress. Before, however, we quit this place,
it may not be improper to observe, that, among other things, the keeper
generally relates some melancholy truth which has arisen from the
indiscretion of people going too near the dens of the lions. We would,
therefore, advise those who may hereafter go to indulge their curiosity
in the sight of those animals, to stand at a proper distance from the
dens, as the situation of the beasts [is] sufficiently eligible to
gratify the nicest inspection. (Harrison 86)
This illustration, from Harrison’s New and Universal History … of London
(1776), gives us a “View of the Tower from the River Thames,” as it
would have appeared at the time of Darnay’s acquaintance with it.
This portion of Harrison’s map of
London (1777) shows the Tower on the Thames, relative to London Bridge.

on map for larger view
“… What that unknown
prisoner had written will never be read, but he had written something,
and hidden it away to keep it from the gaoler.”
The story of this prisoner’s hidden
communication is an invention of Dickens’, but the walls of cells in
the Tower were known to bear the inscriptions of former prisoners. Tallis’s Illustrated London (1851)
describes how
The walls of [one] ancient dungeon
are covered with inscriptions from the hands of those which they once
confined, inscriptions telling of the sorrows felt by writers who have
long since mingled with the dust. (vol. 2, 148)
The most famous inscriptions, in
Dickens’ time, were those of the Beauchamp Tower. Messages in Beauchamp
Tower were first found and published in 1796 (some time after Darnay’s
detention) when it was converted into a mess hall for garrison
officers. When it was restored in 1854 (shortly before Dickens began
writing A Tale of Two Cities), copies of the “Inscriptions,
Memorials, and Devices” found in Beauchamp Tower were published by W.
R. Dick (Sanders 78).
The great bell of St. Paul’s was striking One …
when Mr. Lorry, escorted by Jerry, high-booted and bearing a lantern,
set forth on his return-passage to Clerkenwell. There were solitary
patches of road on the way between Soho and Clerkenwell, and Mr. Lorry,
mindful of footpads, always retained Jerry for this service: though it
was usually performed a good two hours earlier.
St. Paul’s cathedral, rebuilt according to the plan of architect Sir
Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London (1666), is located a
little less than a mile and a half from Soho Square. Thus, the bell
would probably have been audible in Soho Square in the quiet of the
night. The relative locations of Soho Square and St. Paul’s are visible
on this portion of Harrison’s 1777 map of London (Soho Square is at the
top left; St. Paul’s is at the lower right).

on map for larger view
The great dome of St. Paul’s is a
familiar part of the London skyline, and the cathedral itself forms a
kind of spiritual center for the city, religious edifices having
existed on the grounds of St. Paul’s since the Roman occupation of
England. The first Christian church, dedicated to St. Paul, was built
and later burned down, 604-75 A.D.; in 685 it was rebuilt, but
destroyed by Vikings in 962; and Old St. Paul’s was then built
(1087-1310) in the Norman style. Old St. Paul’s stood until the Great
Fire of London (1666), when two thirds of the city burned (“History
Timeline,” St. Paul’s Cathedral). Afterwards, various plans
for a new St. Paul’s were entertained; Christopher Wren’s was
ultimately accepted, and building commenced in 1675.

Harrison’s New and Universal History, Description and Survey of …
London (1776) furnishes this “View of St. Paul’s Cathedral”
(above) as it appeared in the late 18th century, and describes the
history and building of the new cathedral (about a hundred years old
when Mr. Lorry walks home with Mr. Cruncher) as follows:
[T]he first stone … was laid by
Mr. Strong, the chief mason, on the 21st of June, 1675; and the work
being prosecuted without the least interruption, the cross was put up,
and the whole building completed, in the year 1711.
Thus was this noble fabric begun and finished in the space of
thirty-six years, by one architect, the great Sir Christopher Wren; one
principal mason, Mr. Strong; and under one bishop of London, Dr. Henry
Compton: whereas St. Peter’s at Rome, the only structure that can come
in competition with it, was 155 years in building, under twelve
successive architects, … and attended by the best artists in the world
for sculpture, statuary, mosaic work, and painting…. (328)
The “footpads” of whom Mr. Lorry
is mindful are highwaymen who robbed on foot (OED).
Bibliographical information